Friday, November 13, 2009

Homework 12

If I had a coupon for a free robot I think that I would want the robot that could function. In theory the robot can not do ANYTHING with out it being able to function first, so therefore you would have to have your robot that can be functionally. If the robot's already can function then I would want my robot to be able to clean the house for me, so that would be one less thing that I would have to do in my not so much FREE TIME........

Additions to my project:
Section 6: Crime and Lighting

When you think about crime and lighting they kind of go together. If there were no lights then there would be more crime. For example, if lighting got to the point that it was so expensive that not many people could afford it then lighting would be scarcer. More people would be able to do crimes because during the dark of the night no one would be able to see anything because you can’t afford to keep lights on or even have lighting when walking down the road. Since it would be dark along the streets you would have people doing crimes left and right because they are going to believe that they can get by with it and not get into trouble.
Another way to think about crime and lighting is that what if lighting became, so much cheaper and they found a way that it would not cost an arm and leg to have lighting. Example could be that they have figured out the most efficient light bulb or lighting fixture that would put money back into the consumer’s pocket. In theory there would be less crime because the site and buildings would be light up and you could see what was going on. Also, another point to think about is that if there were more lighting then maybe people would not be so scared to go outside in the dark.


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