Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Homework Eight

What is Minority Report really about......Well, from what I have gather (now I have only watched the first hour of the movie) you have a special unit from the police department called PreCrime. PreCrime uses three psychics which tell the police what murder is about to happen and they are to figure out where and when. Anderson started working in PreCrime when he son passed away. Then Anderson discovers that he will be the one to murder someone that he has never meet.

What methods and tricks does the movie use to make the audience like it? I think that Minority Report captures an audience once they have figured out what the purpose behind PreCrime is. Just like above PreCrime is a department that predicts when murders are going to happen. They have the technology and the power to make it happen. An audience just falls right in because you start to think what if it did really happen and we could have something like PreCrime?

What if they found genes that make it more likely for someone to commit a crime - what should they do? Ummmmm..I think they should find a way to take the gene out. Just think of how the world would be with no crime. It would be such a better place. If they did find a why to take the gene out there would be a lot of people with out jobs. Well they would have to make the police into something else. I can't really say if I believe that something like this would really happen. I am going to say that yes i believe that some of the technology will be there, but not necessarily the psychics predicting murders and the police catching them before they actually do the crime.


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